Union of Santas Casas and Philanthropic Hospitals of São Paulo
More than two decades of activity
In 1988, the Federal Constitution of Brazil was implemented and systematized the hierarchical structure of union representation in Brazil, enshrining, at the same time, the principles of unity and non-interference and intervention by the State in the organization of unions.
In this scenario, the union the Sindicato das Santas Casas e Hospitais Philanthropicos do Estado de São Paulo ( SINDHOSFIL/SP ) was founded, which exclusively represents the interests of Santas Casas and philanthropic hospitals in the State of São Paulo.
The creation of this entity marked the beginning of independence in the legal labor representation of non-profit institutions in the health sector. However, the union faced some challenges at the beginning of its foundation, as it went through a long dispute with the employers' union of health establishments, an entity to which all health establishments in the State of São Paulo, philanthropic or not, were linked.
Only in 1998, after a decision by the Federal Supreme Court winning the case to SINDHOSFIL/SP , Santas Casas and philanthropic hospitals and non-profit hospitals in São Paulo gained specific employer union representation.
SINDHOSFIL/SP main characteristic is to seek to equalize the employer-employee relationship in the philanthropic health sector, which has unique characteristics, different from other establishments in the sector.
Santas Casas, which account for more than 1/3 of the hospital beds in the Unified Health System – SUS, meet growing demand with insufficient funding. It is no surprise that bodies at all government levels consider them “the right arm” of public health in Brazil.
In this sense, through the intense work and dedication of all those who made up and are part of its management and legal staff, SINDHOSFIL/SP achieved many important achievements for its members, such as collective agreements, legal assistance, training courses, specialization, degree and MBA.
Currently, the union has 435 cities in São Paulo in its territorial base. As of 2003, Sindhosfil disbanded and four more regional, independent and autonomous unions were created, each serving, on average, 60 municipalities. They are: Sindhosfil of Presidente Prudente and region, Sindhosfil of Ribeirão Preto and region, Sindhosfil of Vale do Paraíba, North Coast and Alta Mantiqueira and Sindhosfil of Baixada Santista and North and South Coast, in addition to Sindhosfil São Paulo.
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